Sample Prostheses: Alejandro Padilla
Anaplastology is a specialized healthcare field that provides patient-specific, restorative prostheses for patients whose anatomy is absent, altered, or lost due to injury, disease, congenital origin, or other wholeness-limiting conditions. Customized prosthetic rehabilitation may be an alternative treatment option to surgical reconstruction. Anaplastology services are intended to restore affected anatomical features of the body including but not limited to the face, hands, feet, or breast. The scope of the anaplastologist may also include custom medical device design applied to restorative interventions in collaboration with other medical specialties.
The IAA promotes quality patient care by supporting the development of best practices in anaplastology through educational conferences, networking, publication, and advocacy opportunities.

The IAA invites you to join us for our 37th Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois, USA!
Pre-Conference Course: April 25
Scientific Program: April 26 & 27
This conference will be an in-person event.
No option to attend virtually will be available.
This year's conference theme is:
Anaplastology: Something for Everyone
Successfully meeting the needs of today's (and tomorrow's) patients requires the field of anaplastology to explore and apply advances in clinical science and technology to patient care. Because every case is different from the last, we can't assume every case can be approached the same way. This year's theme, "Anaplastology: Something For Everyone" aims to highlight the broad range of specialties that contribute to a variety of patient needs. We encourage you to consider how your unique skills and interests allow you to contribute to patient rehabilitation. Our patients' needs are diverse; therefore, anaplastology as a field should answer with a diverse network of specialists to ensure optimal patient outcomes.
Abstract Submission is now open!
Deadline to submit: December 15, 2023
Learn more about Abstract Submission requirements >
Please explore the conference website to learn more about the conference.
We hope that you'll plan to join us in Chicago!

submit an abstract
Abstract Submission Deadlines:
Oral Presentation - January 5, 2024
Poster Presentation - February 15, 2024
(extended from original deadline Dec. 15, 2023)
All abstracts must be submitted via the Call for Abstracts form on the website. Select SUBMIT ABSTRACT below to access the form.
Please make sure to select "Oral or Poster Presentation" from the top drop down box when submitting.
/April 25 - 27, 2024
The conference will include presentations, panel discussions, demonstrations and more!
This year's conference hotel is the historic Whitehall Hotel in Downtown Chicago
Attendee Hotel Room Rate $169 USD/night
APRIL 25th Pre-conference Opportunities
Pre-conference Courses will be held at the Whitehall Hotel on April 25th. These events have limited capacity. To register, select the pre-conference event(s) you wish to attend on your registration form to secure your place. See Pre-Conference Courses >
Welcome Reception 5:30 - 7:30 at Whitehall Hotel
APRIL 26 & 27th Scientific Sessions
Scientific Sessions will take place directly next door to the hotel at the 4th Presbyterian Church of Chicago, an iconic piece of architectural history just steps from the historic Chicago Water Tower on Michigan Avenue!
All conference events will be held in-person.
IAA Soirée – Saturday, April 27th from 6:30 - 8:30 pm


Interested in becoming a member? Click here to be redirected to the Membership Application Form.
Select REGISTER > to be directed to the 2024 IAA Conference Registration Form. You will be prompted to sign in to your IAA User Account. If you do not already have an account, simply create one by entering your email address in the designated field under New Users. You will then be directed to the registration form.
PRE-conference courses
Southern Implants
Thursday, April 25 • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Southern Implants has over 35 years of experience innovating the design, materials, and manufacturing of dental and craniofacial implants. This three hour course will allow you to become familiar with SI's craniofacial implant system and explore its applications for osseointegrated retention systems in custom restorative prostheses. Hands-on exercises will touch on the various levels of planning for and creating an implant-retained prosthesis with Southern Implants system, including implant and abutment types, impression taking, final abutment selection and connection options. Lastly, we will share input from anaplastology colleagues about their experiences and pearls working with Southern Implants.
Fee: $225 USD
Course Capacity: 15 participants
Introduction of the AHEAD Implant System & Advanced Masterclass: Creating an implant-retained nasal prostheses.
Thursday, April 25 • 1:00 - 4:00 PM
Join us for an in-depth overview of the AHEAD Implant system, unveiling its features and advantages. Discover why the system has emerged as the leading craniofacial implants system in Europe and Scandinavia, and understand its role in supporting implant-retained prosthetic treatments.
The session is followed by a Masterclass where participants will learn about designing and creating an implant-retained nasal prostheses. This interactive lecture covers the entire production process, from initial digital implant planning and preparation to the integration of digital techniques and conventional tips and tricks. We will walk step by step through each stage of production, encompassing patient assessment, implant placement, digital design, and final fabrication. Real-life cases provide practical insights, and interactive learning opportunities. The masterclass is meant for anaplastologists, and clinicians aiming to enhance their expertise in the production of implant-retained nose prostheses. Provided by Mr. Maarten de Jong (Anaplastologist Maastricht UMC+, the Netherlands).
Fee: $225 USD
Course Capacity: 15 participants
Intro to Blender for Anaplastologists
Thursday, April 25 • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
REPEATED 1:00 - 4:00 PM
Kelly Cloninger, MS
Clinical Assistant Professor, Biomedical Visualization Graduate Program (BVIS), Department of
Biomedical and Health Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago
Meant for beginners and intermediates in digital 3D design, this course will introduce you to the free, open-source software Blender 3D and demonstrate how it can be incorporated into existing anaplastology workflows. Topics will include Blender's user interface and controls, box modeling, sculpting, mirroring, texturing, and Boolean operations, as well as exercises for optimizing scanned imports and preparing designs for 3D printing (Note: detailed instruction on 3D printing will not be included in this course).
Fee: $225 USD
Course Capacity: 15 (morning), 15 (afternoon)
Pediatric Psychologist,
The Craniofacial Center
UI Health, Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois, USA
The Psychological Dilemma in the Care of Patients with Microtia: Whose Voice is Heard?
Disability justice strategist, author, and nationally recognized speaker
The Dopson Foundation, Founder
5 Truths and a Lie: What every Medical Team should know about their patients with Disabilities

Amol Shah
Technology Innovation Consultant
Chicago, Illinois
AI & Our World
Department Head, Director of Radiology, Clinical Associate Professor
Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, College of Dentistry, University of Illinois at Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois, USA
CBCT: More than a panoramic, less than a panacea
Plastic Surgery
University of Illinois at Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Amputation Need Not Be the End
Certified Clinical Anaplastologist,
Johns Hopkins Medicine,
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Upper Extremity Restorations: Evaluation, Design Consideration & Rehabilitation
Program Director,
Biomedical Visualization (BVIS) Master of Science Degree Program, University of Illinois at Chicago
Innovations in Biomedical Visualization: Unveiling the Future of Anaplastology at UIC
Graduate Student,
Biomedical Visualization (BVIS) Master of Science Degree Program, University of Illinois at Chicago
I Promise 2D Illustration Can Be Cool, Too
Graduate Student,
Biomedical Visualization (BVIS) Master of Science Degree Program, University of Illinois at Chicago
Modeling a 3D printed task trainer for teaching urinary catheterization on gender affirming metoidioplasty post-operative anatomy
Plastic Surgery,
University of Illinois at Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Mastectomy When Surgical Reconstruction is Not an Option: Site Preparation for a Breast
Certified Clinical Anaplastologist,
Medical Art Resources,
Chicaog, Illinois, USA
Prosthetic Breast & Nipple Restoration: Patient Expectations and Experience
Clinical Anaplastologist
Berlin Metropolitan Area, Germany​
Presentation: Plastic reconstruction or epithesis: How do the two go together? Case studies of complex surgical and epithetic reconstructions
Épithésiste (Anaplastologist) chez CHU de Québec-Université Laval,
L'Hôtel-Dieu de Québec
Presentation: Color Degradation Undergone by Facial Prostheses: Research Focusing on Silicones and Factors of Change
Clinical Anaplastologist,Épithésiste au Centre d'Épithèses Faciales,
Strasbourg, France
Presentation: One million colors and more in Anaplastology
Maxillofacial Prosthetics,
University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico 
Presentation: Use of Digital Imaging and Design for Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a Patient Diagnosed with Microphthalmia
Certified Clinical Anaplastologist,
Épithésiste au Centre d'Épithèses Faciales, Strasbourg, France
Presentation: The Achievement of the Perfect Epithesis, the Struggle of a Lifetime
Clinical Anaplastologist & Director at Prosthetic Art Technology,
New South Wales, Australia
Presentation: Building a New Foundation: Custom Subperiosteal Supported Implant Framework - a Case Series Presentation
Prosthetics at Graphica Medica
Minneapolis-St.Paul, Minnesota, USA
Presentation: Something for Everyone – B-Sides
Certified Clinical Anaplastologist,
Los Angeles, USA
Presentation: Placement of Fixtures for Osseointegrated Prostheses Using Digital Modeling with Dental Implant Software
Technical Physician, PhD candidate,
Dept. of Head & Neck Oncology and Surgery,
The Netherlands Cancer Institute
Presentation: Variations in Facial Morphology in Patients with Facial Defects
Medical Artist, Researcher, LGBTQIA2S+ Healthcare Access Advocate
Presentation: Prostheses as an Alternative Gender-Affirming Healthcare Service to Augmentation Surgery: A Visual Needs Assessment Survey
Prosthodontics & Maxillofacial Prosthetics
Founder, Reiyal's Dentistry,
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Presentation: Improving Access to Prosthetic Care using 3D Printing
and more!
/2024 Poster Presentations will be announced in coming weeks!


The Walter Spohn Trust (WST) provides financial support to individuals and research groups initiating educational and research projects to advance the field of Anaplastology.
The WST Anaplastology Student Scholarship Program is intended to help anaplastology students gain access to valuable experience and education by offsetting the cost of registration to the annual International Anaplastology Association meeting.
Application will become available at launch of conference registration.
The International Anaplastology Association’s Board of Directors is pleased to invite you to participate in the 2024 Sponsorship Program. Each sponsorship opportunity provides an avenue for your company to be recognized as a valuable leader in the provision of products and services to anaplastologists and their entire rehabilitation team of health care professionals as well as their patients.
As a sponsor, your company can be promoted in a variety of ways. Our sponsorship packages are organized according to various IAA events or programs throughout the ENTIRE YEAR. Sponsors may connect with participants through webinars, online training courses, the 2024 IAA Virtual Annual Conference and/or our social media communities. Our sponsorship program is designed to provide you with the following opportunities:
To reach an audience of international colleagues in anaplastology and head and neck rehabilitation fields from more than 30 countries, including roughly 20 different disciplines;
To introduce your products and/or services to your target market;
Network with your collaborators and peers;
Engage in real-time feedback on your products and/or services;
Enhance your market reach;
And, promote your brand through multiple communication channels.
2024 CONFERENCE Sponsors